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Convex Lens Physics Lab

Application | May 2019 (2 Weeks) | Oculus Quest

Personal Project to implement a convex lens lab scene for educational use. The user could move the light board on each side to spectate the imaging process. The left light board contains two light sources which one (red) lays on the center axis and the other (blue) not. There will be visual hints (yellow shiny light board) to indicate next move and the whiteboard also shows the illustration of it, like what teachers do in class. The user could press the two buttons to turn on and off the virtual light path.

Notable Contributions:

  • Implementing the optics equation to make sure the scene is physically correct.

  • Implementing the VR buttons which have open and closed states.

  • Using Eye-Hand direction instead of Hand direction for moving the light board which works better in aiming the object to move.

  • Design of the classroom-feel scene and the whiteboard which shows the physics illustration of the phenomenon, making the experience more immersive.

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Ruoxi Li

Visual Designer

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